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I've always loved films since I can remember, but animation opens a door of limitless possibilities of storytelling. It's that what I love about storyboarding; I get to visualize first, what is on the script.


I am pursuing a Storyboard Artist/Revisionist position where I am confident I am able to visualize what is on the script through my artistic skills, knowledge of camera direction, acting, and the importance of continuity. I am well experienced in Storyboard Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Animate, Illustrator and Blender.

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Freelance revisionist for the animated tv series, Rey Mysterio vs. The Darkness. Revised multiple rough storyboard scenes for the series. Considered as reliable with quick, approved turnarounds by producer and director; anticipating notes and making changes before they're asked.   

GRAPHIC DESIGNER, IMC, Canoga Park, CA — 2007-2019

Design projects geared towards communication to customers through website banners, advertisements and all print media (packaging, clothing, posters, etc). 13 years experience in Photoshop and Illustrator.

PROP DESIGNER, WayForward Technologies — JAN 2018

Conceptual prop design for mobile video game, River City Girls.

Conceptualized art for background scenes in certain stages of the game. Designed some of the furniture, lockers, and locker room. Photoshop was used for this project.

CONCEPT ARTIST, 1000toys - NOV 2016

Based on their “Wego” robot toy figures, I was commissioned to develop a look for their “Batboy” version of Wego. Photoshop was used for this project.

FLASH ANIMATOR, Bankrupt Slut (indi punk band) - AUG 2011 - SEP 2011

Storyboarded and animated a music video based on B.S.’s song, BOOM M.F. Adobe Flash was used for this project.

PROP DESIGNER, Darkening sky film - AUG 2010

Designed some of the props for an important scene in the film, “Darkening Sky.”


Tel: 805-551-2281


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